Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So today I'm blogging about blogging, just wanted to type that because it seemed odd...Anyway to the point, so far I like this part of the class and its opened my eyes to entire world I knew very little about. I thought at first it would be a hassle not only to write my own blog to keep up with and comment on others. But I think, especially with the Webquest, it was almost reassuring to find out others were having the same difficulties I was.

Now that I have had some practice with this, albeit very limited, I have been looking for ways to include this in some way to my classroom. I would like at some point to launch a history blog, to get my students using the internet and get them using it the right way, at least in terms of history assignments. I would also envision it as a place to re-cap a week of lessons and provide a place for a student who may have missed classes to get assignments and important information.

I think the blog can be used extremely effectively to help reinforce class instruction. It really does give you an open forum for opinion and response beyond the classroom.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Webquest 2

I have been working for what seems like weeks on the Webquest project and I think I've gotten the idea. Several times during this I began to wonder if the planning of this project is more trouble then its worth. There are definitely more conventional ways to get across the point of the lesson I am working on and while I do understand the need for integration of the Internet, I am not sure this is the best way to go about it. I have never used or planned a Webquest before and would assume that like anything, you simply need to practice at it, and eventually you will get the hang of it. As I posted earlier the hardest part of all of this has been trying to figure out what kind of assignments are actually useful in the Webquest format. Again, the toughest lesson I have had to learn is that not everything can be a Webquest. In many ways this has become rather frustrating as I did not expect to have as much trouble as I did with this just getting started. Once the assignment was setup however, the project did move rather freely and easily. I think the real key is moving beyond what is normally expected to be learned in a classroom about a given subject. It is easy to forget what is available on the internet, and really there is nothing that is not available.